- ✔️ City of Windsor's Birthday Celebrations
- ✔️ Earth Hour Eve
- ✔️ Festival of Birds
- ✔️ Handicapable Fishing Derby
- ✔️ Maple First Taste of Spring
- ✔️ Maple Moon
- ✔️ Media City Film Festival
- ✔️ Spring Shore & Songbird Celebration
- ✔️ The Capture of Detroit
- ✔️ The Great Canadian Beaverfest
- ✔️ Toy Soldier Display
- ✔️ Uniquely Amherstburg
- ✔️ War and Peace Art Exhibit
- ✔️ Windsor Emancipation Day Celebration
- ✔️ Windsor International Fringe Festival
- ✔️ Windsor Pride Festival
- ✔️ Windsor Ribfest
- ✔️ Wine Trail Ride
- ✔️ Seattle Events